Academic Tutors
Newman College Tutorial Program
We typically offer around 90 tutorials a semester in subjects in which our students are enrolled at The University of Melbourne. Occasionally, we also offer tutorial assistance to students enrolled at RMIT University and Australian Catholic University. These tutorials mainly cater for first-year undergraduate students, and aim to complement their university studies; extending their knowledge and helping them to master challenging concepts.
Class sizes vary depending on enrolments, but usually comprise between three and ten students per session. When there are more than ten students enrolled in a subject, we offer two sessions. We automatically offer a tutorial if there are three or more first-year students enrolled in a given subject. Tutorial attendance is compulsory for first-year students. Second-year and third-year students must request a tutorial and commit to a permanent session before it will be offered formally.
Each session goes for an hour. Our program runs on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evening during the UoM undergraduate semester. We have three sessions per day: 5.15pm-6.15pm, 7.30pm-8.30pm, and 8.30pm-9.30pm. These times are non-negotiable.
Newman College Tutors
We typically employ resident and non-resident members of the Senior Common Room on a casual basis. Occasionally, we also recuit external tutors who are not hitherto affiliated with the College. Please note that, unlike other UoM colleges, we do not have a residential tutor program. Graduate and postgradute students may join the Senior Common Room and reside in Newman College, but a position in the Senior Common Room does not guarantee employment in the Tutorial Programs. For information on residential positions, please contact the Admissions Co-ordinator at
Applicants must have themselves completed the subject for which they are applying (or equivalent subject at another university institution) and received a H1 (first class honours or equivalent) overall mark to be considered for the role. Previours tutoring experience is desirable, but not required. Passion and enthusiasm for your subject area are taken as a given, as are excellent communication and organisation skills.
Applicants must also have a valid Victorian Working With Children Check (for employment purposes) and include their card number in their cover letter. The WWCC assists in protecting children from sexual or physical harm by ensuring that all people who work with, or care for, them are subject to a police screening process. There are a number of children (persons under the age of eighteen) living at Newman College and enrolled at the University. It is likely that these minors will be engaged in the Tutorial Program. As such, all tutors are required to have a WWCC card. For further information, please follow this link:
Tutors are paid a gross wage of $90 per tutorial session. This covers two hours of preparation and one hour of the actual tutorial. There are usually eleven or twelve tutorials per subject, per semester, so tutors can expect to earn between $990 and $1,080 in gross salary for each subject session they tutor.
To apply, please submit a formal application by clicking here.
You can find a comprehensive list of UoM subjects in the University Handbook.
For further information please contact the Dean of Studies, Charlotte O'Shea -